
自1996年以来, 30 曼彻斯特 students have been selected for prestigious Fulbright grants for research or teaching abroad after graduation – more Fulbrights per capita than at any other Indiana college or university. In addition, two 曼彻斯特 faculty members have engaged in research abroad as Fulbright Scholars.

The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program of the United States. Grant recipients represent their nation as a cultural ambassador, helping to enhance mutual understanding between Americans and the people in their host nation.

The program began in 1948. Nationwide, more than 10,000 students apply annually for about 1,600 awards.

Stacy Erickson-Pesetski, Ph.D., associate dean of academic affairs and professor of English, coordinates the Fulbright program at 曼彻斯特. Contact her at 260-982-5391 or slerickson-pesetski@kanako-therapist.com.

Here are 曼彻斯特 students awarded Fulbright grants:

  • Emily Pleadwell, 16岁, to teach English as a second language in Vietnam.
  • Holly Rittenhouse '14, to teach English as a second language in Malaysia.
  • 凯瑟琳·布雷杰, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • 凯瑟琳·麦克法登, to teach English as a second language in Indonesia.
  • 妮可·哈蒙德10岁, to teach English as a second language in Indonesia.
  • Andrew Haff '08, to teach English as a second language in Vietnam.
  • Tim Polakowski, 2008年, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • 艾莉森·布莱恩04年 to teach English as a second language in Argentina.
  • Stacey Carmichael '07, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • 塞缪尔·考克斯07年, to teach English as a second language in Germany.
  • Rachel Paske '04, to teach English as a second language in Germany.
  • Wendy Matheny '05, to research political science in Belgium.
  • 福里斯特·埃茨勒'05, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • Rosetta Burkholder '04, to research sociology in Germany.
  • 汉娜·迪特斯04年, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • 伊丽莎白·艾伦03年 to teach English as a second language in Germany.
  • 彭妮·海丁03年, to teach English as a second language in Germany.
  • Sara Kerkhoff '03, to research feminist literature in Morocco.
  • Nevin Domer '02, to teach English as a second language in Korea.
  • Daniel Rieman-Klingler '02, to teach English as a second language in Germany.
  • Stephen Berkebile, 1999年, to research physics and teach English as a second language in Austria.
  • 哈尔·邦德, to research international relations in Canada.
  • 达斯汀·布朗, to research international relations in Ecuador.
  • Monique DePue '99, to research language pedagogy in Peru.
  • 莫利·伍德豪斯, to research administration in Canada.
  • 乔什·克莱恩,1998年, to research medical ethics in Canada.
  • 史蒂文·斯托斯96年 to research psychology and teach English as a second language in Austria.
  • 布鲁克·斯托克利96届, to teach English as a second language in France.
  • 安吉拉·罗杰斯1996年, to research human biology in Germany.
  • Jedd Schrock '95, to teach English as a second language in Germany.